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Spring 2023 Fungi Tour!

We're excited to be hosting Britt A Bunyard, Editor of FUNGI magazine for a series of talks across Britain this April. We'll be connecting with our fungal fam along the way - join us if you can!

🍄 Saturday 22 April: Edinburgh w/Prof Roy Watling MBE - collab w/Botanical Society of Scotland and East Lotion & Edinburgh Fungus Enthusiasts (ELFE) 🍄 Sunday 23 April: Fungus Foray in Edinburgh w/ELFE 🍄 Wednesday 26 April: Cambridge w/Bethan Manley of SPUN (Society for the Protection of Underground networks) - collab w/Cambridge University Mycological Society 🍄 Sunday 22 April: The Fungarium at Kew Gardens, London

Based in Chicago, Illinois, Britt is also Director of the Telluride Mushroom Festival, North Americas biggest (and wildest!) fungus festival, and author of books including 'The Lives of Fungi' (Princeton University Press, 2022) and 'Amanitas of North America' (2020, co-authored w/Jay Justice).

Info & tickets at:

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